A while ago it was Koningsdag (King’s Day). This is a national holiday in the Netherlands where everyone celebrates the king’s birthday. If you know me or have read the About me-part of this blog you know that I consider myself to be both dutch and swedish. This is because I have lived my first…
Month: May 2018

About two major keys in life
I have come to a point in my life where I deeply feel that there is no big revelation waiting for me if I just manage to solve a couple of more clues of the life puzzle. As I have written before, life for me isn’t about figuring out something anymore. However to me there…

About being angry
There is a saying that goes something like: You know too much psychology when you can’t get angry because you understand everyone’s reasons for doing everything. I really feel like this sometimes! I notice that I quite seldom get angry at people because I believe I see where they’re coming from. And this immediately…

About feminism
Before I get into what I want to write I would just like to say that I am aware that feminism is a huge subject of which many books have been written, talks have been given and (dis)agreements have been had. With this blog post I do not in any way try to cover everything…

About being a fellow traveler
Some people describe living as walking a path. I really like this metaphor! Because that’s what living life feels like to me. I’m walking my path and you’re walking your path in life. Sometimes we walk alone and sometimes we walk together. Being on a journey is also used sometimes to describe the same thing.…