Day 157. There has yet to come a day where I declare myself 100% symptom-free but I’m getting closer and closer! My experience of covid-19 and its after-effects are still affecting my days, both mentally and physically (a chest pain/’tight chest’ and tiredness still remain in my body). A part of me feels like a…
Category: Uncategorized

Greetings From Noisy Village
In 1947, two years after she published Pippi Longstocking, the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren wrote The Children of Noisy Village (Alla Vi Barn i Bullerbyn in Swedish / De Kinderen van Bolderburen in Dutch). The book is about a girl called Lisa who lives in a house in between two other houses. The three houses…

Accepting Long Covid
Three years ago, I quit my job and moved with my husband and our two teenagers from Stockholm to a little village by the sea in Spain. My intention was very clear at the time: I wanted to know what would happen in my life if I stopped all doing and started just being. This…

Healing From Long Covid
Today marks the start of week 18 for me, day 126. I’m happy to write that a lot of my symptoms have disappeared. What’s left is chest pain, some gastrointestinal problems and a general tiredness (but not fatigue/exhaustion). I’m able to walk a bit longer every day and even have energy to also do some…

Resilient Surfer
Fighter, warrior. Victim, sufferer. I have noticed that these words are sometimes used to describe people who have covid-19 (or any other health condition really). Somehow, as a person with long-haul covid-19, I don’t identify with any of these words. Even more: I feel a resistance towards them. I really don’t like anyone calling me…