Today’s status:– My tiredness still is an issue, as is my chest. Sometimes my heart races and my GI system acts up. (body)– I struggle on and off with accepting that Covid still is a part of my life after 8+ months. I long so much to put it behind me! Also: I don’t hear…

A Long Covid Update
This is my Week 35 update and a story about how Long Covid feels (expect lots of fish-references), how a ‘normal’ illness unexpectedly became a huge relief for my body and….well, yes: the US elections. Here goes: Phil Mattingly, CNN’s magic wall-guy, is wearing a blue bracelet on his left wrist and I’ve gone so…

Moving forward
On my autumn walk today I listened to a woman on a podcast talking about her mountain climbing-days in Nepal (the lives some people live!). She said something interesting: Every time I looked up towards the top of the mountain, I lost energy. But whenever I looked down at my feet, I felt energized and…

At this moment I’m looking through Paige’s window. Paige lives in Boston, USA, it’s sunset and I see what looks like a church dome through her window while I hear traffic outside on her street.swipeI see a brick housing building outside Zara’s window in Edinburgh, Scotland. It’s grey outside and I see some birds flying…

Inspired by someone online I decided to create a word cloud of my Corona Chronicles. If you’re not familiar with the term: a word cloud is a picture consisting of the most frequently used words in a text. Check out my word cloud above! I’m happy that this picture isn’t filled with a lot of…