Six months ago I quit my job, left my house and country and moved with my husband and our two teenagers to a little village by the sea in Spain. During this time our kids have attended a british school while my husband and I gradually slowed down from our (work) life in Sweden. This…
Category: Uncategorized

About high-paced city living and total boredom
As I wrote in my previous blog post About being a fellow traveler I am currently enrolled in a training to learn the art of working with people. I recently came home from the second module where my fellow-students and I spent a week on the italian countryside, fully immersing ourselves in our education which…

About being a seeker
This blog is called Living my truth – A seeker’s blog. I guess you understand the living my truth-part. This blog is all about me trying to live according to what feels true for me in my life and writing about how that is (as Dr. Phil says) working for me. As you have probably…

About setting boundaries
When my husband and I decided to move to Spain for half a year, many of our friends, family and other people in our lives expressed a wish to come visit us. To be honest, this freaked me out a bit. Because when I sat down and counted each and every person who wanted to…

About attending parties
A while ago it was Koningsdag (King’s Day). This is a national holiday in the Netherlands where everyone celebrates the king’s birthday. If you know me or have read the About me-part of this blog you know that I consider myself to be both dutch and swedish. This is because I have lived my first…