I have noticed that it helps me to read and hear about other people’s covid-19 experiences. It gives me a feeling that we’re in it together and I’m not alone. In that spirit I hereby write some lines about my situation right now. Feel free to share. Almost six weeks ago I started to feel…

Thoughts from my cocoon
The world is shaking. My world is shaking. A week ago, I was so sick in covid-19 that I was seriously afraid I would die. Life is kicking my *** pretty hard: even before the pandemic started, I was facing some pretty tough situations in my life where deep fears and old traumas were popping…

The elephant on my lungs
Note! This story ends positively Two nights ago, after four days with a growing sense of fatigue, lung pain and fever-like feelings in my body (without having a fever), I woke up at 3.10 in the morning and felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest. My lungs felt so tight and even…

Covid-19 – How we communicate
I feel anxiety and sometimes fear about what’s happening in the world today, as the global situation we find ourselves in has not happened before in my lifetime. I’m very worried about people in my family and social circles who have an underlying health issue. I admit to having bought an extra package of toilet…

Forget the platform
For a long time now, I have been thinking about how to build a platform. What does that mean? Well, as you might know I have a lot of things going on in my life: I run my own company, I write, I give holistic counseling sessions to clients, I study to become a trauma-therapist,…