Current status: my lungs still give me trouble and tiredness stays connected to it. Some days are better, some days are worse. It’s been 11 months now, every day coming a day closer to the one year-mark. That feels weird, a whole year of symptoms caused by a virus that most people shake off in…

The Light And Darkness Of Long Covid
Since December 21st 2020 we have gained over an hour of daylight per day already here in Sweden and I couldn’t be happier. Somehow however, I am the type of person who doesn’t fully understand that the dark days are over until we’re well into the middle of say, May. Or June even. I’m not…

The Marathon Of Today
A recent tweet from CNN: The coronavirus pandemic’s global death toll has reached 2 million. That’s as if 10 of the world’s largest commercial jets fell out of the sky every day for an entire year. I knew the number of two million but the above comparison affected me. This is my attempt to explore…

My Life At Home – An Update
My husband recently bought something and let me tell you: it is worth its weight in gold. It’s such a funny thing in a way, and I feel it says a lot about life at home during a pandemic. The wonderful thing he bought? Drum roll.Music.Here goes: A silent mechanical keyboard. Yes, you read it…

It Is What It Is
The Swedish news just reported that Stockholm (where I live) has not had a single hour of sunshine since November 28th. That’s 11 days without seeing the sun! Today we have exactly 6 hours and 18 minutes of daylight and the rest of the time it’s pitch-black outside. I know I voluntarily moved to this…